why make your own cleaning products?
The olfactory nerve in your sinus is the only portal on your whole body directly open to the central nervous system?
Your respiratory system is your first line of defense. Toxic chemicals-based products compromise the natural ability to move unwanted microbes out.
Because you can buy the supplies you need to make your own cleaning products in bulk, it will save you money!
You can make your own cleaner with just 3 ingredients:
Essential oils
White vinegar
That’s it! But, there are several other materials and ingredients that are excellent to keep on hand:
Castille soap (Dr. Bronner’s is the best!)
Baking soda
Vegetable or jojoba oil
Rags, soft cloths, sponges
Spray bottles
Hydrogen peroxide
Choose your recipe.
Combine vinegar with all ingredients except water.
The ratio of scent to ounces of liquid should fall between 10-15 drops of essential oil per ounce.
Add essential oils to the bottle slowly, shaking between each oil.
Add water or hydrosol. Shake well a final time
Always shake your bottles before using!
all purpose cleaner
Recipe is for 16oz of cleaner. This spray is antibacterial, antifungal, disinfectant, antiviral and insecticidal with the addition of Borax.
8 oz. White Vinegar
8 oz. Water
Cleaning Concentrate:
10 drops Pine
10 drops Peppermint
Mix borax and vinegar in your spray bottle. Shake, then add the essential oils. Shake again, label the bottle, and set overnight. Shake well then fill the rest of the sprayer with water. Be sure to shake well before every use!
Add 1 tsp. Borax optional for insect control.
Add 1 tsp. of Castille soap if more of a lather is desired.
This spray also works well to clean the bath and shower when borax or baking soda is sprinkled onto the surface to act as a light abrasive without scratching any surfaces.
Floor Cleaner
2 Gallons Hot Water
2 Cups Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Castille soap
20 drops Pine, Orange, or Lemon Essential OilMix hot water and vinegar in a bucket.Add Castille and essential oil. Mix well before use.
Wood Cleaner + Polisher
¼ Cup Vegetable or Jojoba Oil
5 drops of Orange Essential OilIf the wood needs to be cleaned and not just polished add 1 teaspoon Distilled White Vinegar.
Mix ingredients in a bowl. Dip a clean dust cloth into the mixture and rub into wood surface.
Toilet Cleaner
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
2 Cups Vinegar
½ Cup Baking Soda
10 drops of Peppermint, Tea Tree, Orange, Rosemary, or Eucalyptus Essential OilAllow to foam, then scrub with toilet brush.
1 Cup Borax or 1 Cup Baking Soda
10 drops Peppermint or Tea Tree essential oil, or substitute with Pine or Citrus essential oil.
Put the borax and the oil into the toilet bowl and allow to sit overnight, scrub with toilet brush. -
Soft Scrubber
¼ cup Baking Soda
2 drops of Grapefruit essential oil (can substitute Pine, Tree or Peppermint)
Add enough Castile to make a paste.Place the baking soda in a bowl and stir in castile until you have a rich, creamy texture then add the oil. Scoop the mix onto a sponge or rag and scrub.
Always Recycle Containers. However, avoid the reuse of food or petroleum containers to avoid accidental harmful consumption or contamination for cleaning supplies.
Clearly Mark All Containers.
Report ingestion of any cleaning product immediately to your local poison control center for further instruction. Have ingredients ready and available to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures.